
Energy is a basic need, just like housing or food. Access to energy is essential for cooking, boiling water, as well as providing light and heat – all of which, are also prerequisites for good health. NJ SHARES is committed to reducing and preventing energy insecurity, which is the inability to adequately meet household energy needs.

The Department of Energy estimates that one in three American households face a challenge in paying energy bills or sustaining adequate heating and cooling in their home. Households living with energy insecurity routinely forgo basic needs such as food and medicine to pay their energy bill, keep their homes at unhealthy temperatures, receive disconnection notices, and experience shutoffs.

In order to ensure New Jersey residents are not without access to basic needs, NJ SHARES has formed unique partnerships with New Jersey’s regulated utility companies to provide a variety of different assistance programs and support.



Energy Programs

NJ Board of Public Utilities Payment Assistance for Gas and Electric Program

Assisting income qualified households who are in a temporary financial crisis and in need of electric and/or gas payment assistance.

NJ SHARES Energy Assistance Grant

Assisting income qualified households who are in a temporary financial crisis and in need of electric and/or gas payment assistance by providing grants of up to $700 per utility to maintain or restore service.

NJ SHARES SMART Utility Assistance Program

Helping income qualified households that are in a temporary financial crisis in need of electric and/or gas payment assistance by providing grants of up to $500 per utility. The NJ SHARES SMART Program is intended for households who either do not qualify for federal or state utility assistance programs or receive benefits from these programs and are still in need of assistance. Apply

New Jersey SHARES Municipal Customer Assistance Program

Assisting income qualified households who are in a temporary financial crisis and in need of electric payment assistance Apply

Downloaded applications and required documentation can be sent us through email at info@njshares.org, fax at 609-883-6364, or mail to 4 Walter E. Foran Boulevard, Suite 105, Flemington, NJ 08822

Frequently Asked Questions

Once approved for a grant, how soon will I see the credit applied to my account?

1-2 billing cycles

How long does the application process take?

Once all required documentation is received, the process will take approximately 5-7 days.

How do I apply?

Online, in person at NJ SHARES headquarters or at a local agency (see agency list)

Can I apply for multiple types of grants at the same time?

Yes, you can apply for an energy grant in addition to our other assistance programs.


Apply in person.

Still have questions? Not sure where to go? Help is close by!

Click the link below to find the agency nearest to you.

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